Frequently Asked Questions
What do you want to know about CreateAthon@VCU? Read on.

What skills are you looking for?
We need writers, art directors, designers, photographers, videographers, audio/video producers and editors, web strategists, UX designers, app developers and more. If you are a creative person and have any of these skills or others that you believe are valuable to the success of CreateAthon, you are welcome to apply.
Do I have to be an advertising or marketing major to apply?
Absolutely not! If you’re a biology major, but love to create in Adobe Suite, make websites or write in your spare time, we encourage you to apply to CreateAthon. We want to make sure the net is cast wide enough to catch as much creative talent as possible!

Where is CreateAthon located?
The annual 24-hour creative marathon takes place in the T. Edward Temple Building on VCU’s Monroe Park campus.
Why 24 hours straight?
College students are busy enough as it is. Taking on a project as big as CreateAthon requires the focus of a large group of students, each with their own class schedules, commitments and workloads. The 24-hour event is hosted during VCU’s Spring Break in order to get the bulk of the work done while all participating team members are able to be in the same place at the same time.

I want to participate! What do I need to do?
Students interested in participating as team leaders can apply online during the fall semester. Students interested in participating as volunteers can apply online in the beginning of the spring semester. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media for updates on the release of applications!
What’s in it for me?
Students involved in CreateAthon receive valuable experience in their field of study and get the opportunity to help out in their community. Countless students are vocal on social media about change that needs to happen, but there needs to be action behind words. By participating in CreateAthon, not only will you sharpen your mass communication skills, but you’ll also make a difference. That’s worth every last ‘like’ on Earth.